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Tim Hawes

Tim Hawes - Click for larger pictuer
Tim Hawes' career started with his appointment as principal trumpet with the Gulbenkian Foundation Orchestra in Lisbon at the age of 18. Since that time he has enjoyed a very successful career in many different fields of playing. He plays regularly with the Philharmonia, London Philharmonic and BBC Symphony Orchestras as well as many of the leading ensembles in London. He was a member of both the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble and the Wallace Collection and he runs his own group OffStage Brass. As a soloist he has performed concert tours in Japan, Russia,, Israel and Europe in 
recent years.

As a specialist piccolo trumpet player he is featured alongside many of his eminent colleagues on the new Trumpet Sounds of London CD which was recorded last year. Tim also examines, adjudicates and teaches at the Royal Academy of Music. He is principal trumpet in the London production of "Les Miserables".

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